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ELite National Partial Payment- Test
Elite National Florida
" indicates required fields
Select Your Team
National Florida
You will be charged 1/3 of the total now. Another 1/3 will be charged each month after the initial payment until the entire balance is paid.
Players Name
Players Email
Players Cell Phone
Players Grad Year
Players High School
Jersey Size
Extra Large
Hat Size
6 7/8"
7 1/8"
7 1/4"
7 3/8"
7 1/2"
7 5/8"
Parents Name
Parents Email
Parents Cell Phone
Statement of Wellness for Participation and to Administer Treatment:
I verify, to the best of my knowledge, my child is able to participate fully in the Elite Baseball baseball program. In case of medical emergency and the event that the parent/guardian cannot be immediately contacted, I hereby give my permission for emergency treatment (i.e. EMT, First Responder, E.D) to be administered to my child. I release Elite Baseball, LLC and their employees from all liability for any personal injury, illness, loss or damage to property. I agree to assume liability for any expenses incurred in such an emergency (transportation, hospitalization, etc).
Photo/Video Release
I give my permission for Elite Baseball to use any photos/videos taken during the season in which my child may appear in:
Understanding of Risk
I understand the seriousness of risk involved in participating in this program, my personal responsibility to adhere to rules and regulations, and accept them as a participant.
Player Code of Conduct
1. Fighting and other conduct intended to injure others will not be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate removal from the game, field complex or program. 2. Vulgar and disrespectful language or conduct will not be tolerated and may be grounds for immediate removal from the game, field complex or program. 3. Any disagreement with an Umpire must be handled in a courteous and respectful manner by the appropriate person – be it a coach, or team manager. 4. The players and coaches from your team and all teams are to be treated with respect at all times. Good sportsmanship is to be used and encouraged at all times. 5. Each parent and coach is expected to set a good example for the players with respect to self control and the treatment of umpires, and opposing coaches, players and parents. 6. Do not embarrass your child by yelling at players, coaches or officials. By showing a positive attitude toward the game and all of its participants, your child will benefit. 7. Parents know the rules of the game, and support the officials on and off the field. Any criticism of the officials only hurts the game. 8. Coaching from the stands during games and practices is detrimental to the goals of Elite Baseball and is prohibited. 9. All questions, complaints, grievances and comments shall be directed to the appropriate team manager at an appropriate time. 10. No parent or player will engage in any behavior or conduct that is detrimental to the individual teams; coaching staffs; or the general operations of the Elite Baseball Fall Team. 11. Any player that misses any tournament without giving at least 2 weeks notice will no longer receive assistance from Elite Baseball in regards to the recruiting process, i.e. phone calls, emails, or correspondence with any college coaches. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THE “CODE OF CONDUCT FOR PLAYERS AND PARENTS” MAY BE GROUNDS FOR SUSPENSION OF PARENT AND/OR PLAYER, AND/OR REMOVAL FROM THE TEAM.
I agree to the Player Code of Conduct Policy
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact's Phone Number
Surgical Treatment
I authorize all medical and surgical treatment, X-ray, laboratory, anesthesia, and other medical and/or hospital procedures as may be performed or prescribed by the attending physician and/or paramedics for my child and waive my right to informed consent of treatment. This waiver applies only in the event that neither parent/guardian can be reached in the case of an emergency.
Processing Fee
The amount you will be charged now.
Payment Method