Elite Baseball provides individual and group instruction for hitting, pitching, fielding and catching fundamentals. Our high-quality staff has a wealth of instructional experience to get the most out of each player. Training and Development is done at the Elite Baseball Indoor Facility and also in an outdoor setting at our various camps. We also provide intense strength and conditioning plus speed and agility training.
One-On-One Instruction
Elite Baseball provides individual and group instruction for hitting, pitching, fielding and catching fundamentals. Our high-quality staff has a wealth of instructional experience to get the most out of each player. Training and Development is done at the Elite Baseball Indoor Facility and also in an outdoor setting at our various camps. We also provide intense strength and conditioning plus speed and agility training.
High School Age Hitting
Designed for 2-4 players, these sessions are an excellent way for a player to still obtain high-caliber instruction at a reduced price point. To schedule a group lesson, or for more information, contact Matt Knox.
Group Instruction
Designed for 2-4 players, these sessions are an excellent way for a player to still obtain high-caliber instruction at a reduced price point. To schedule a group lesson, or for more information, contact Matt Knox.
Strength And Conditioning Training
Under the guidance of a certified trainer, these sessions are run twice a week in the Fall and Winter with participation limited to 4-8 players per group. The certified trainer focuses on proper technique and a high energy environment to ensure each player is making marked progress. .
Speed And Agility Training
Designed to enhance a skill Elite Baseball feels is undervalued overall, this program emphasizes running mechanics as it relates to speed and quickness. Speed is a significant contributor to a player’s success and is a datapoint that college coaches emphasize. These annual Fall and Winter training sessions focus on running techniques and stretching to improve overall speed and quickness
“Elite Baseball did a tremendous job helping my son find the right place to play college baseball. They provided a high level of instruction that helped him to develop the needed athletic skills, they told him the truth about his abilities, and they found a way for him to play in front of coaches from every college he was considering. High character, outstanding instruction, and an extensive list of college coach relationships all made our experience with Elite Baseball an A+!”
George Blackall, parent of former Elite showcase player and current RIT baseball player Patrick Blackall 
“Elite Baseball does a great job of not only getting its players on college’s radars but also in improving their game. Many summer and fall teams I see are only concerned with exposure and pay little attention to development. Elite sets itself apart by preparing guys to succeed at the next level.”
Liam Bowen, Head Coach University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) 
“Elite Baseball does a tremendous job of developing talent. Matt Werts and Matt Knox have great relationships with college coaches because of their honesty, integrity, and knowledge of the game. We will always look to recruit Elite Baseball players as we know they are taught the right way to play the game.”
Ryan Horning, Head Coach Franklin & Marshall College 
“If you are an aspiring baseball player with the goal of playing college baseball you should be working with Elite Baseball. At Elite they know how to prepare players both on the field and off the field to be seen and recruited by college coaches. The coaching staff at Elite does a great job matching players academic interests and baseball ability to the best possible college.”
Rob Grow, Head Coach Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) 
“Elite Baseball led by Matt Werts and his staff have done a tremendous job getting players noticed and educating them on what to expect at the next level. His program has been extremely successful with producing quality players and more importantly quality people.”
Rodney Bennett, Head Coach Frederick Community College