Showcase Gold
Head Coach: Pedro Rivera
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Weekend Pitching Rotation: West Chester
Game 1: Sandridge/Kitchen
Game 2: Collier/Davis
Game 3 Springer/Baer
Townsend and Hall will also pitch
Colleges Attending: Arcadia,Goldey Beacom,Frederick CC, Wesley, Camden CC, Cabrini, PSU Brandywine, Rowan, Susquehanna, Cairn, Neumann, Wilkes, Lackawanna JC, LaSalle, Rider, St. Joes
Tournament Schedule
June 2-3 Millersville University Tournament
June 9-10 Johns Hopkins/Shepherd University Tournament
June 16-17 York College/Randolph Macon College
June 21 – Pennsylvania Scout Day
June 23-24 Catholic U/Washington College
June 27 – Maryland Scout Day
June 30-July 1 Mount St. Mary’s Tournament
July 6-8 West Chester
July 10-12 College Coaches Camp (Optional)
July 14-15 Summer World Series