Games will be played at Johns Hopkins University
No metal spikes at Johns Hopkins- only molded or turfs.
Showcase Format
Games will be 7 innings each inning will be 3 outs or 5 batters whichever comes first. This will allow teams to play more innings and showcase their players to college coaches.
Coaches List
Brown- Holden White
Princeton- Kyle Strovink
Lafayette- Garrett Siemik
Shenandoah- Bruce Cameron
Essex- Sean O’Connor
Shepherd- Pat Smith
Archbishop Curley:
PSU York- Todd Meckley
Immaculata- Joe Brooks
Wilson- Johnny Poss
Archbishop Curley :
Brown- Holden White
Princeton- Kyle Strovink
Lafayette- Garrett Siemik
Immaculata- Joe Brooks
Essex- Sean O’Connor
Shepherd- Pat Smith
PSU York- Todd Meckley
Shenandoah- Bruce Cameron
Millersville- Dave Baker