Games will be played at U of Richmond/William and Mary/Randolph Macon and local high school fields.
The first 30 teams will play at U of Richmond.
New Format
All Championships are single elimination tournaments. Winners move on to winners bracket games- losers move to loser bracket games. This means each game matters. All games will have college coaches in attendance.
All teams have 3 game guarantee.
All Games are 7 innings or 1:50 time limit
Championship Game no time limit
Games will be played at WVU and local college and high school fields.
Monongalia County Ballpark
2040 Gyorko Drive
Morgantown, WV 26534
Gate Fee: $10/day for all Games at WVU
Games will be played in Philadelphia, PA
Archbishop Ryan-11201 Academy Rd, Philadelphia, PA
Jefferson University-4201 Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA
Cardinal O’Hara-1701 Sproul Rd, Springfield, PA
Showcase Format
- 3 games
- 7 inning games
- Each inning will be 3 outs or 5 batters (whichever comes first) … this will allow teams to play more innings and showcase their players to college coaches. College Coaches will umpire the games.
- Play in front of College Coaches at the D1,D2,D3 and JUCO level
- GUARANTEED 3-4 coaches at every field each day
Games will be played at Johns Hopkins, Frederick CC, and surrounding fields
Showcase Format
- 3 games
- 7 inning games
- Each inning will be 3 outs or 5 batters (whichever comes first) … this will allow teams to play more innings and showcase their players to college coaches.
- Play in front of College Coaches at the D1,D2,D3 and JUCO level
- GUARANTEED 3-4 coaches at every field each day