Summer Heat 14u

Games will be played in Lancaster/ Lebanon.

Liberty Bell Showcase Championships 16u-18u

Games will be played at local colleges and local high schools.


New Format

All Championships are single elimination tournaments. Winners move on to winners bracket games- losers move to loser bracket games.  This means each game matters. All games will have college coaches in attendance.

All teams have 3 game guarantee.

All Games are 7 innings or 1:50 time limit

Championship Game no time limit

Fall Brawl 13U

Games will be played at local high school fields.

Fall Fest 13U

Games will be played at local high schools in Lancaster/Lebanon.


UPDATE:- 5:34am- All games on Sunday are cancelled.

Fall Fest 14U

UPDATE:- 5:34am- All games on Sunday are cancelled.


Games will be played in and local high school fields.