Maryland Fall Championship Showcase 16U-18U
Showcase Format
- 3 games
- 7 inning games
- Each inning will be 3 outs or 3 runs (whichever comes first) … this will allow teams to play more innings and showcase their players to college coaches.
- Play in front of College Coaches at the D1,D2,D3 and JUCO level
- GUARANTEED 3-4 coaches at every field each day
Tournament Standings
- 10-0-400
- 20-0-300
- 30-0-300
- 40-0-300
- 50-0-300
- 60-0-300
- 70-0-300
- 80-0-300
- 90-0-300
- 100-0-300
- 110-0-100